Publications Listing

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The Emerging Geography of Electric Vehicle Production in North America: Revolution or Evolution?
Thomas H. Klier, James Rubenstein | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  4 | July | 8
Insurance on Insurers: How State Insurance Guaranty Funds Protect Policyholders
Daniel Hartley | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  3 | May | 21
The French Public Debt in the Nineteenth Century
François Velde | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  2 | April | 16
The Labor Market Impact of Covid-19 on Asian Americans
Chris de Mena, Suvy Qin, Jing Zhang | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  1 | February | 20
Monetary Policy and the Stock Market in the Covid Era
Thomas King | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  5 | December | 19
What Does the CDS Market Imply for a U.S. Default?
Luca Benzoni, Christian Cabanilla, Alessandro Cocco, Cullen Kavoussi | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  4 | October | 19
Microforecasting Inflation
Raffaella Giacomini, Yaakov Levin | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  3 | August | 29
Electric Vehicles, Motor Fuel Taxes, and Road Funding in the Seventh District and Beyond
Emma LaGuardia, Kristin Dziczek, Rick Mattoon | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  2 | August | 16
Missing Workers and Missing Jobs Since the Pandemic
Bart Hobijn, Ayşegül Şahin | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  1 | July | 31
North America’s Rapidly Growing Electric Vehicle Market: Implications for the Geography of Automotive Production
Thomas H. Klier, James Rubenstein | 2022 | Economic Perspectives | No.  5 | December | 1
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