I received a B.A. in economics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a M.S. in HR Management from Loyola University.
My job is to design and administer compensation programs within the Seventh Federal Reserve District. I help to ensure that the Bank maintains sound pay practices across its many diverse business units and that those practices are aligned with our people strategy. My day-to-day work consists of offering compensation consultation to internal clients, project work, job reviews, market and pay analysis, and internal communications. Some of the efforts I have enjoyed being a part of include the design of the Bank’s base pay frameworks for staff members and officers, and the development of strategies to ensure pay equality within the Bank.
I am a person who loves to solve puzzles and seeks out new and interesting challenges. For me, within a profession that revolves around aligning best practices with culture and business strategy- a unique organization presents a unique challenge. Having worked in a wide array of organizations, including large multinationals, boutique consulting firms, and non-for-profits,
I can say with confidence that there is no place quite like the multi-faceted, quasi-governmental Federal Reserve.
Successful people who work for the Chicago Fed love to collaborate, have good self-awareness, and appreciate the bigger picture rather than seeing their job as a means to an end. I believe that a person who is a good fit places value in relationships and a collegial workplace, and appreciates the role and history of the Federal Reserve.
Currently I like to spend my free time on home improvement and doting incessantly on my two lovely baby daughters. When I decide to have hobbies again, I will travel and immerse myself in the arts.
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking." — George S. Patton