Assessing the Midwest Work Force: Strategies for Developing the Region's Human Capital
Thursday, 11/21/02
8:30 AM
William C. Hunter, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Rebecca Blank, University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford, School of Public Policy
8:45 AM
The Changing Economic Landscape of the Midwest Economy — Work Force Issues and Challenges
William Testa, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
9:15 AM
Assessing the Quality of the Region's Work Force
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Issues and Strategies for Improving the Midwest Work Force — Part I
Immigration Policy
Barry Chiswick, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kristin Butcher, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Yolanda Kodrzycki, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
11:30 AM
Workforce Opportunities for Low-skilled Workers — a Midwest Perspective
Rebecca Blank, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
Issues and Strategies for Improving the Midwest Work Force — Part II
Richard Judy, Workforce Associates, Inc.
Urban/Suburban Spatial Mismatch
Daniel McMillan, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kelly DeRango, W.E. Upjohn Institute
Robert LaLonde, Irving B. Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago