Economic Data

Data available from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. This page contains access to data series in html and xls formats as well as PDFs.

Economic Indicators


The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) is a monthly index designed to better gauge overall economic activity and inflationary pressure.


The Chicago Fed’s National Financial Conditions Index (NFCI) provides a comprehensive weekly update on U.S. financial conditions in money markets, debt and equity markets, and the traditional and “shadow” banking systems. Because U.S. economic and financial conditions tend to be highly correlated, we also present an alternative index, the adjusted NFCI (ANFCI). This index isolates a component of financial conditions uncorrelated with economic conditions to provide an update on financial conditions relative to economic conditions.


The Chicago Fed Advance Retail Trade Summary (CARTS) tracks the U.S. Census Bureau's Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) using a mixed-frequency dynamic factor model to combine high-frequency time series from five private companies (Consumer Edge, Facteus, Morning Consult, Safegraph, and Womply) as well as two federal agencies (the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the U.S. Census Bureau).


The Chicago Fed Survey of Economic Conditions (CFSEC) is a survey of organizations located in the Seventh Federal Reserve District.

Chicago Fed Income-Based Economic Index (IBEX)

The Chicago Fed IBEX® is a series of economic statistics that measure the economic experience of particular income and demographic groups. The IBEX groups include the elderly and the working poor, as well as groupings by education, income quartile and race.

The IBEX 12 Month Inflation Rates provide a monthly chain-weighted inflation measure for more than 30 socioeconomic and demographic groups, as well as the overall urban population. The inflation rates are updated annually in the first quarter of each year when new data for expenditures are available.

The IBEX Consumer Sentiment (IBEX-CS) provides a monthly and quarterly index of consumer sentiment for 46 groups and the overall urban population.


This chart shows the average year-over-year change in farmland values for the Seventh District. Farmland values account for a significant part of farm sector asset values and equity. As such, the movement in farmland values is an important indicator of agriculture's economic health.

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Land Values and Credit Conditions Survey.

The Michigan Retail Index is a monthly broad-based gauge of key retail activity in Michigan. A new index is released by the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The index is based on a monthly survey of MRA members. The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago assists in collecting, compiling and interpreting the survey data.

More about the Release

Every month, a survey press release with the most current numbers, analysis and forecast for the next quarter is released in the last week of the month.

Here are the latest retail conditions as reported by Michigan retailers.  Retailers report on changes in sales performance, inventory, promotional intensity, employment and prices.

More Information

Commercial Banking Data and Call Reports

Bank Holding Company Data

Financial data are available for:

  • FR Y-9C—All domestic bank holding companies on a consolidated basis;
  • FR Y-9LP—All large domestic bank holding companies on an unconsolidated parent only basis; and
  • FR Y-9SP—All small domestic bank holding companies on an unconsolidated parent basis, including balance sheet and income information for all three catagories.

Call Reports

Report of Condition and Income (call reports) data are available for all banks regulated by the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Comptroller of the Currency. All financial data are on an individual bank basis. Data on this site are available from 1976 to 2010 in zipped SAS XPORT format datasets. To view and download data, please visit the commercial data webpage.

Please Note: Beginning with the March 31, 2011, Report of Condition, the commercial bank data will only be available from the FFIEC Central Data Repository's Public Data Distribution website.

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