The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago serves the Seventh Federal Reserve District and seeks to foster economic opportunity and advance a healthy, inclusive economy for all its residents. Our Regional Analysis and Community Development team supports these efforts through research, analysis, and engagement with people, businesses, and communities across the District.
Community Development at the Chicago Fed strives to improve socioeconomic prospects in the Seventh District by helping remove barriers to upward mobility for lower income and underserved households and communities and by promoting access to credit, investment, and financial services that help them thrive.
Spanning five Midwestern states, the economy of the Seventh Federal Reserve District is vibrant and varied, featuring significant agricultural production, automotive and other manufacturing, and financial and insurance industries. Understanding the region's economic strengths and challenges is essential to our work.
The Regional Analysis and Engagement team works to identify and understand the trends and circumstances that impact the Seventh District economy and to assess the current economic conditions facing its people, businesses, and communities. This is accomplished by conducting original research and connecting with District stakcholders in industry, government, and community organizations.
The Regional Research team focuses its work on scholarly research that advances our understanding of the economy of the Seventh Federal Reserve District and the nation, including in low- and moderate-income communities.
Community Development works at the intersection of research, policy, and relationship-building to understand conditions and promote opportunity in low- and moderate-income communities. We prioritize listening to, learning from, and sharing research and information with people living and working in these communities across the Seventh District. We produce economic analyses, policy briefs, articles and convenings to support progress in LMI communities and to build awareness of their challenges.
Local Economic Snapshot is an interactive tool that allows users to search for a city, county, state, region, or Federal Reserve district to find economic, industry, and demographic information.