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2019 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference Agenda


2019 Federal Reserve System Community Development Conference: Renewing the Promise of the Middle Class 


Agenda and Conference Materials

All times listed are Eastern Time

Thursday, May 9

7:00 a.m.   Check In and Breakfast

8:30 a.m.   Welcome: Michael Berry, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Claudia Sahm, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Introduction: Eric Belsky, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Opening Remarks: Chairman Jerome Powell, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Transcript, Video of Live-Streamed Session

9:00 a.m.   Plenary Session 1: Emerging Labor Market and Education Trends Reshaping Pathways to the Middle Class

Video of Live-Streamed Session

10:30 a.m.   Break

11:00 a.m.   Concurrent Sessions 1:

Returns to Education and Training

  • Thomas Maloney, University of Utah, Teacher Unionization and Student Academic Performance: Will the Weakening of Teachers' Unions Harm the Middle Class and Intensify Educational Inequality?
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Mark Elliott, Economic Mobility Corporation, Nine Year Gains: Project QUEST's Continuing Impact
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Pamela Winston, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Cross-Domain Instability in Families with Some College Education: Implications for Supporting Opportunity and Security
    Presentation Slides, Paper, Appendix

  • Session Chair: Prabal Chakrabarti, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Trends in Jobs and the Labor Market

  • Sara Fauske Lamback, JFF, and Dan Restuccia, Burning Glass Technologies, When Is a Job Just a Job? And When Can it Launch a Career?
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • John Coglianese, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, The Rise of In-and-Outs: Declining Labor Force Participation of Prime Age Men
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Gregor Schubert, Harvard University, Getting Labor Markets Right: Outside Options and Occupational Mobility
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Session Chair: Alexander Ruder, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Economic Well-Being and Work Policy Ideas

  • Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago, The Material Well-Being of the Bottom Twenty Percent and the Middle Class Since 1980 
    Presentation Slides

  • Heidi Hartmann, Institute for Women's Policy Research, Paid Leave for Family Economic Security 
    Presentation Slides

  • Session Chair: Emily Garr Pacetti, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

12:30 p.m.   Lunch

Introduction: Jane Dokko, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Afternoon Remarks: President Charles Evans, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Video of Live-Streamed Session

2:00 p.m.   Transition time   

2:15 p.m.   Concurrent Sessions 2:

Pathways to Homeownership and Housing Wealth

  • Michael Eriksen, University of Cincinnati, The Role of Parents on the Home Ownership Experience of their Children: Evidence from Health and Retirement Study
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Isaac Hacamo, Indiana University, Helping the Middle Class: How Interest Rates Affect the Distribution of Housing Wealth 
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Lisa Nelson, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, The American Dream or Just an Illusion? Understanding Land Contract Trends in the Midwest Pre- and Post-Crisis
    Presentation Slides

  • Session Chair: Erin Troland, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
    Presentation Slides

Broader Implications of Student Loans

  • Venoo Kakar, San Francisco State University, Does Student Loan Debt Contribute to Racial-Wealth Gaps? A Decomposition Analysis  
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Debarshi Nandy, Brandeis University, Student Debt, Risk Preferences, and Household Net-Worth 
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Julie Margetta Morgan, Roosevelt Institute, The Student Debt Crisis, Labor Market Credentialization, and Racial Inequality: How the Student Debt Debate Gets the Economics Wrong 
    Presentation SlidesPaper

  • Session Chair: Ray Boshara, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Improving the Financial Security of Households

  • Katie Fitzpatrick, University of Delaware, Newark, Health Insurance and High Cost Borrowing: The Effect of Medicaid on Pawn Loans, Payday Loans, and other Non-Bank Financial Products
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Luisa Blanco, Pepperdine University, Racial and Ethnic Differences in Financial Literacy and Outcomes: The Role of Neighborhood Effects
    Presentation Slides

  • Maude Toussaint-Comeau, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Liquidity and Credit Constraints, Debts, and Saving Behavior of the Middle Class
    Presentation Slides

  • Session Chair: Sameera Fazili, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

 3:45 p.m.   Transition time

4:00 p.m.   Plenary Session 2: Financial Security and Wealth Building as Key Building Blocks of a Middle Class Lifestyle

Video of Live-Streamed Session

5:30 p.m.   Evening Reception

7:00 p.m.   Day One Concludes


Friday, May 10

7:00 a.m.   Breakfast

8:30 a.m.   Introduction: Andrea Levere, Prosperity Now and Chair, Federal Reserve Board Community Advisory Council

Opening Remarks: Governor Lael Brainard, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Transcript, Video of Live-Streamed Session

9:15 a.m.   Plenary Session 3: The Role of Local Communities in Mobility and Security in the Middle Class

Video of Live-Streamed Session

10:45 a.m.   Transition time

11:00 a.m.   Concurrent Sessions 3:

Race and Communities

  • William "Sandy" Darity Jr., Duke University, Understanding the Subaltern Native Middle Class
  • Junia Howell, University of Pittsburgh, The Increasing Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition on Housing Values across the U.S., 1990-2010
  • Alan Mallach, Center for Community Progress, Over the Edge: Trajectories of African-American Middle Neighborhoods in St. Louis Since 2000
  • Session Chair: Theresa Singleton, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Neighborhoods and Housing Affordability

  • Brittany Lewis, University of Minnesota, Black Men Are Locked Up, Black Women Are Locked Out:" An In-depth Mixed Methodological Study of Evictions in North Minneapolis, Minnesota 

  • Sandra Newman, Johns Hopkins University, There's No Place Like Home:  Racial Disparities in Household Formation in the 2000s
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Session Chair: Michael Grover, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Policy Ideas in Community Development

  • Ira Goldstein, Reinvestment Fund, Maybe it Really Does Take a Village: Supporting the Creation of High-Quality Unsubsidized Affordable Rental Housing in Legacy Cities
    Presentation SlidesPaper

  • Anita Brown-Graham, University of North Carolina, Building Bonds and Bridges and Leveraging Links: A Place-Based Mobility Strategy Based on Social Capital Creation  
    Presentation Slides

  • Heather Stephens, West Virginia University, Incentivizing the Missing Middle: The Role of Economic Development Policy
    Presentation Slides, Paper

  • Session Chair: Robin Newberger, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

12:30 p.m.   Lunch

Introduction: Jeremiah Boyle, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Afternoon Keynote: Chancellor Juan Salgado, City Colleges of Chicago

Video of Live-Streamed Session

2:00 p.m.   Closing Remarks: Anna Alvarez Boyd, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Video of Live-Streamed Session

2:30 p.m.   Adjournment


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