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Financial Terms Glossaries
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This page provides links to banking, securities, insurance and commodities/futures glossaries which provide common terms and definitions used in those industries.

Banking Terms

This is list of abbreviations and glossary of terms commonly used in the banking industry. The definitions in the glossary are not intended to be comprehensive and complete.

Securities Terms

Definitions of terms that will help you while you are shopping for securities products. It will assist you in understanding some of the most common terms.

Insurance Terms

Definitions of terms that will help you while you are shopping for insurance products. It will help you understand some of the most common terms.

Commodities/Futures Terms

Definitions of terms that will help you while you are shopping for commodities/futures products.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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