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Commercial Bank Data

Notice of Change in Data Availability

Effective with the 2021Q2 dataset, no further as-of dates will be added, and no updates will be made to the data on this page. Structure data, including bank attributes, can be found by visiting the Data Download page on the National Information Center (NIC) website. Quarterly commercial bank financial data is available from the FFIEC Central Data Repository's Public Data Distribution website.


Report of Condition and Income data are available for all banks regulated by the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Comptroller of the Currency. All financial data are on an individual bank basis. Data on this site are available from 1976 to 2021 in zipped SAS XPORT format datasets. You can download the free Universal Viewer from the SAS site to view these files if you are not a SAS user.

Availability of Commercial Bank Data

Beginning with the March 31, 2011, Report of Condition, future releases of quarterly commercial bank data will only be available from the FFIEC Central Data Repository's Public Data Distribution site (PDD). Data on the PDD site are available in two formats for downloading, tab delimited and eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL); and includes historical data through March 31, 2001. This will help ensure timely access to data as it is submitted or revised. An example SAS program to read the tab delimited bulk files into a SAS dataset is provided in the Data Files section below to help ease the transition to the PDD.

The historical datasets will remain available on chicagofed.org. The PDD releases data for commercial banks that file the FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 only, and does not include additional structural information. Due to this restriction, additional structure information from the National Information Center website is necessary for compatibility with prior datasets. The attributes data may contain different column names, and some columns may have been removed by the Board of Governors prior to publishing. A search for the “RSSD” mnemonic through the MDRM Data Dictionary provides an item mapping for the 8-character names previously used.

Data Files

The complete files below contain all the financial variables reported on the Report of Condition and Income and selected structure data.

Complete Files, 2001 - 2010

Complete Files, 1976 - 2000 

The structure and non-CDR datasets below contain structure and geographical variables for all call report filers.

Structure Files, 2011 - Present 

The example SAS program below provides one possible way of importing the tab delimited bulk files available on the CDR's PDD site into a SAS dataset. The PDD tab delimited bulk files are structured so that each schedule of the call report is available as a separate text file containing all respondents. The data are also available in XRBL format with individual files for each respondent.

Example SAS Program (Updated 06/21/2012)

Banking Research Datasets

CRSP-FRB Link is intended to distribute data that is useful for conducting and replicating academic research involving commercial banks.


Data Dictionary 
Contains a brief definition of the variables on the files and their reporting frequency.

Forming Consistent Time Series
Notes on forming consistent time series.

Regulatory Capital

Notes on changes in reporting Regulatory Capital data from 1990 to 1994 and 1994 to current.

Structure and Geographical Variables 
List of structure and geographical variables on both files (Complete and Subset). Detailed description for decoding can be found in the Dictionary file.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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