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Financial Reporting Resources


Regulation D 
Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions

Regulation Q 
Prohibition Against Payment of Interest on Demand Deposits

Regulation W
Transactions Between Member Banks and Their Affiliates 

Regulation Y 
Bank Holding Companies and Change in Bank Control

Regulation XX
Concentration Limit

Useful Links

Federal Open Market Committee 
Members, calendar, meeting minutes and transcripts from the FOMC.

Federal Reserve Bank Services, Central Bank Programs 
Offers centralized access to information on regulatory and financial reporting and required reserves.

Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions 
Publication explaining the role of the Federal Reserve System in the economy.

Federal Reserve System Reporting Forms 
The information gathered by reporting forms aids the Federal Reserve in carrying out its responsibilities for the conduct of monetary policy, the supervision and regulation of the banking industry, and the protection of consumers' rights.

Freedom of Information
Guidance on requesting nonpublic records.

Information Collections Under Review 
Proposed comments and final versions of changes to Federal Reserve regulations and information collections.

National Information Center 
A primary source for structure, financial, and supervisory information on individual banking and financial institutions.

Statistical Releases and Historical Data 
Daily, weekly, monthly, and annual monetary releases.

The Federal Financial Institution Examination Council (FFIEC) publishes Uniform Bank Performance Reports quarterly, derived from Bank Call Report data. The performance reports compare an individual bank's performance and balance sheet structure against similarly sized institutions. Customized performance reports are also available.

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors publishes quarterly bank holding company performance reports derived from bank holding company Y-series financial reports. Similar to the bank performance reports, a bank holding company's performance and balance sheet structure is compared to similarly sized institutions. Customized performance reports are not available for this reporting series.

Contact Us
Financial Reporting
(877) 597-5371
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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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