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FR 2644 FAQs

What is the FR 2644 report?

This report provides data of selected balance sheet items, such as loans, securities, and borrowings, from a sample of member and nonmember domestically chartered commercial banks and U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. Data from this report are used to construct estimates of bank credit, sources and uses of bank funds, and a balance sheet for the entire banking system. These data are used to analyze current banking and monetary conditions.

What is the frequency of the FR 2644 report?

Report all balances as of the close of business on Wednesday of each week.


What if our institution has negative balances?

All dollar amounts should be reported to the nearest thousand. No negative entries are appropriate for this report.


Who can I contact with questions regarding the FR 2644 report?

Questions regarding the FR 2644 report can be directed to our toll-free number or e-mail address listed on the right side of this page.


When is the data due?

Please return this report to reach our office no later than Monday following the report date.


How do I send the data to the Federal Reserve?

Information can be submitted electronically through our Reporting Central Application.


For access related issues please contact the toll-free number is (877) 597-5371. 


How do I make a revision?

Please call your contact to make them aware of the changes and then resubmit your report via Reporting Central.


Who should I notify if I will be late in reporting?

Please call your contact to let them know. 

Contact Us
Financial Reporting
(877) 597-5371
Having trouble accessing something on this page? Please send us an email and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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