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Top Banks and Holding Companies

Notice of Change in Report Availability

As of March 1, 2024, updates will no longer be made to the Top Banks and Holding Companies report provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. However, the data used in this visualization can be found by visiting the National Information Center's public website (NPW) and the FFIEC's Central Data Repository Public Data Distribution site. Further, a listing of large holding companies, by as-of date, is also available on NPW.

The Top Banks and HCs report indicates the total consolidated assets and number of financial institutions by District, as well as the rank order of the Seventh District’s largest top tier BHCs, SLHCs, banks, and state member banks by asset size in comparison to the largest top tier BHCs, SLHCs, banks, state member banks nationally. The four segments of the report graphically display these indicators for each type of institution. The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago generates this report semi-annually (after financial data for the June 30th and December 31st reporting periods are considered final) using data from the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for Banks (FFIEC 031/ 041), the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C), and the Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-SP).

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