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The 5th Annual Conference on Bank Structure & Competition

Since the early 1960s, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Conference on Bank Structure and Competition has served as a forum for academics, regulators and industry participants to debate current issues affecting the financial services industry. Each year the purpose of the conference is to continue that tradition. This retrospective on the history and evolution of the conference reviews the past four decades of conferences.

The primary motivating factor for the conference was the passage of the 1960 Bank Merger Act and the U.S. versus Philadelphia National Bank Supreme Court decision. Suddenly, bank regulatory agencies were required to consider competitive factors in addition to banking factors when evaluating bank merger applications. Each of the Federal Reserve Banks was encouraged to survey the existing literature on bank structure and develop its own research agendas on these issues.

Monday, 05/13/68
8:00 AM
I. Selected Topics
Welcoming Remarks
Charles J. Scanlon, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Review of Recent Legislative and Judicial Trends Affecting Bank Structure
Joel Dirlam, University of Rhode Island
Problems in Economic Analysis of Bank Merger and Holding Company Cases
Bernard Shull, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Review of Federal Reserve Board Split Merger and Holding Company Decisions
Larry Mote, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
The Justice Department Views Bank Mergers
Robert Hammond, U.S. Department of Justice
11:00 AM
II. Topics in Bank Capital
Capital Investment in Commercial Banking
Sam Peltzman, University of California, Los Angeles
Bank "Failure": A Meaningful Competitive Force?
A. Dale Tussing, Syracuse University
Thomas Gies, University of Michigan
Paul Horvitz, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Oscar Goodman, Roosevelt University
George G. Kaufman, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
3:00 PM
III. Mock Merger Case
Application Excerpts
Decision by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Relevant Federal Legislation
Relevant State Legislation
Tuesday, 05/14/68
8:00 AM
IV. Research in Progress
An Optimal Banking Structure for Michigan
Douglas Austin, Western Michigan University
Regional Variation in Bank Costs
Frederick Bell, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Bank Holding Company Performance in the Sixth District
Paul Crowe, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Banking Structure and Consumer Credit Markets
David I. Fand, Wayne State University
Service Charges on Demand Deposits as a Competitive Tool
J. Van Fenstermaker, Southern Illinois University
Savings Banks and Commercial Banks: Structure and Competition
David Fritz, Savings Bank Association of New York State
Public Policy and Banking Structure
Stuart Greenbaum, University of Kentucky
Pricing of Bank Business Services
Donald Jacobs, Northwestern University
Mergers by the 200 Largest Commercial Banks
Benjaman Klebaner, City University of New York
Research at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Robert Lawrence, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Markowitz' Model and Capital Budgeting Decisions
Samuel Reid, University of Illinois, Chicago
Research at the Comptroller
W. Paul Smith, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Rapid Inflation and the Banking System
George Tolley, University of Chicago
Competition and Share of Market
J. Fred Weston, University of California, Los Angeles
Current State of Research: Review and Evaluation
Jack Guttentag, University of Pennsylvania
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