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The 13th Annual Conference on Bank Structure & Competition

Since the early 1960s, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Conference on Bank Structure and Competition has served as a forum for academics, regulators and industry participants to debate current issues affecting the financial services industry. Each year the purpose of the conference is to continue that tradition. This retrospective on the history and evolution of the conference reviews the past four decades of conferences.

The primary motivating factor for the conference was the passage of the 1960 Bank Merger Act and the U.S. versus Philadelphia National Bank Supreme Court decision. Suddenly, bank regulatory agencies were required to consider competitive factors in addition to banking factors when evaluating bank merger applications. Each of the Federal Reserve Banks was encouraged to survey the existing literature on bank structure and develop its own research agendas on these issues.

Thursday, 04/28/77
8:00 AM
I. Interindustry Competition: Thrifts vs. Commercial Banks
The Effect of Deposit Rate Ceilings upon the Density of Bank Locations
Peter R. Lloyd-Davies, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Ralph Kimball, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Reforming the Structure and Regulation of Financial Institutions: The Evidence from the State of Maine
Neil B. Murphy, University of Maine
Lewis Mandell, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Ralph Kimball, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Estimating the Earnings Impacts of NOW Accounts
David R. Graham, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Moshe Cohen, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
11:00 AM
II. Costs and Benefits of Regulating Financial Institutions
Comparing Market and Regulatory Assessments of Bank Condition
Chayim Herzig-Marx, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Donald R. Fraser, Texas A&M University
Bank Holding Companies and "Abuse of the Power to Grant Credit"
Jack M. Guttenberg, University of Pennsylvania
Bernard Shull, Hunter College
James Burke, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Regulatory Influences on Commercial Bank Personal Loan Rates
Richard L. Peterson, Purdue University
Michael D. Ginsberg, Purdue University
James F. Smith, Sears, Roebuck and Company
A Summary Report on Bank Holding Company Affiliation and Economies of Scale
George J. Benston, University of Rochester and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Gerald A. Hanweck, University of Rochester and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2:00 PM
III. Delineation of Banking Markets
On Defining the Georgraphic Market in Section 7 Cases
Ira Horowitz, University of Florida
Stuart Greenbaum, Northwestern University
The Line in Commerce and the Relevant Geographic Market in Banking: What Fifteen Years of Trials and Tribulations Has Taught Us and Not Taught Us about the Measure of Banking Structure
Douglas V. Austin, University of Toledo
A Spatial–Theoretical Perspective for Bank Merger Regulations
John G. Greenhut, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
M. L. Greenhut, Texas A&M University
W. H. Kelly, United Energy Resources, Inc.
Steven C. Salop, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Consumer Selecton of Banking Office — Effects of Distance, Services and Interest Rate Differentials
Lorman L. Lundsten, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Lewis Mandell, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Dale S. Drum, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
4:00 PM
IV. Roundtable on the Impact of Technological Change on Financial Structure
Cyclical Fluctuations in Interest Rates and the Spread of Household and Retail EFT
Edward J. Kane, Ohio State University
A Framework for Evaluating the Debate over EFTS
Robert A. Eisenbeis, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
A Retailer's Viewpoint
H. R. Lively, Sears, Roebuck and Company
The Impact of Technological Change on the Structure of the Financial Services Industry
Louis H. Mertes, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company
Friday, 04/29/77
8:00 AM
V. Research in Progress
The External Growth of Multibank Holding Companies
Gregory E. Boczar, Golembe Associates, Inc.
Performance Characteristics of Minority-Owned Banks — Another Look
Melton Esbitt, Illinois Institute of Technology
W. Clayton Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology
Does Geographic Expansion by Bank Holding Companies Constitute Branch Banking?
Richard B. Joster, Jr., Foster, Swift & Collins, P.C.
Risk Premiums on Bank Debt Securities
Donald R. Fraser, Texas A&M University
J. Patrick McCormack, Texas A&M University
An Application of Capital Market Theory to Bank Portfolio Management
Benton E. Gup, University of Tulsa
Evaluation of the Social Impact of Regulation of Consumer Financial Services
Arnold A. Heggestad, Abt Associates, Inc.
John J. Mingo, Abt Associates, Inc.
Research at the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
Michael A. Jessee, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
Security Loss Reserves for Commercial Banks
George G. Kaufman, University of Oregon
Impact of Membership on the Profitability of Chicago Area Banks
Philip Pfaff, Illinois Institute of Technology
Milton Esbitt, Illinois Institute of Technology
Minority-Owned Banks: An Assessment of Their Performance and its Implications for Public Policy
Peter S. Rose, Texas A&M University
William L. Scott, University of Texas at San Antonio
Research in Progress at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Harvey Rosenblum, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Branch Banking and the Availability of Banking Alternatives in Rural Areas
William L. Seaver, Louisiana Tech University
Michael A. Jessee, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
Entry Regulation, Correspondent Services and Federal Reserve Members
David E. Sisk, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Early Warning Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David P. Stuhr, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The Decision to Withdraw from the Federal Reserve System
Ronald D. Watson, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The Use of Functional Cost Analysis Data to Determine Components of Processing Costs at Small Banks
Gary E. Wood, University of Texas at San Antonio
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