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The 21st Annual Conference on Bank Structure & Competition

Since the early 1960s, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Conference on Bank Structure and Competition has served as a forum for academics, regulators and industry participants to debate current issues affecting the financial services industry. Each year the purpose of the conference is to continue that tradition. This retrospective on the history and evolution of the conference reviews the past four decades of conferences.

The primary motivating factor for the conference was the passage of the 1960 Bank Merger Act and the U.S. versus Philadelphia National Bank Supreme Court decision. Suddenly, bank regulatory agencies were required to consider competitive factors in addition to banking factors when evaluating bank merger applications. Each of the Federal Reserve Banks was encouraged to survey the existing literature on bank structure and develop its own research agendas on these issues.

Wednesday, 05/01/85
8:00 AM
I. Deregulation: The Foreign Experience and the Lessons for U.S. Banking
Bank Regulation and Structure: An International Overview
Herbert L. Baer, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Larry R. Mote, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Japanese Banking and Corporate Finance in Transition
Thomas F. Cargill, University of Nevada
Shoichi Royama, Osaka University
Overseas Financial Sector Deregulation: Lessons from Australia and New Zealand
Andrew S. Carron, Shearson, Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Recent Experience in the Deregulation of Canadian Financial Institute
John F. Chant, Simon Fraser University
Deregulation and the Competitive Pressures upon British Banks
Mervyn K. Lewis, University of Nottingham
Brian Chiplin, University of Nottingham
10:30 AM
II. The Problems Facing Rural and Agricultural Banks: Issues and Answers
An Overview of the Financial Stress in Agriculture
Gary L. Benjamin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
The Role of the Farm Credit System
George D. Irwin, Farm Credit Administration
The Lean Years: Trends in Agricultural Banking
George M. Gregorash, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
James Morrison, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Agricultural Policy and Financial Stress
Michael D. Boehlje, Iowa State University
A Rural Banker's Viewpoint
C. Robert Brenton, Brenton Banks, Inc.
1:00 PM
III. Determinants of Bank Failures
Recent Bank Failures: Determinants and Consequences
Eugenie D. Short, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Franklin D. Berger, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Major Causes of Bank Failures
Richard L. Peterson, Texas Tech University
William L. Scott, Illinois State University
Thrift Institution Failures: Causes and Policy Issues
James R. Barth, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
R. Dan Brumbaugh, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Daniel Sauerhaft, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
George H. K. Wang, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
3:00 PM
IV. Bank Risk and the Pricing of Deposit Insurance
An Analysis of Risk-Based Deposit Insurance for Commercial Banks
Robert B. Avery, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Gerald A. Hanweck, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Myron Kwast, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
An Empirical Analysis of Bank Risk
George G. Pennacchi, University of Pennsylvania
Richard L. Mugel, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The Deterioration of Bank Asset Quality
Yuk-Shee Chan, Northwestern University
Stuart I. Greenbaum, Northwestern University
Anjan V. Thakor, Northwestern University
The Association between Bank Stock-Market-Based Risk Measures and the Financial Characteristics of the Firm: A Pooled Cross-Section Time-Series Approach
Cheng-Few Lee, University of Illinois
Elijah Brewer III, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Thursday, 05/02/85
8:00 AM
V. Is Private Insurance a Viable Alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance?
A Proposal for Introducing Private Deposit Insurance
Catherine England, The Cato Institute
Yes — Private Sector Depositor Protection Is a Viable Alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance!
Bert Ely, Ely & Company, Inc.
Private Insurance Is Not a Viable Alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance
Russell E. Van Hooser, Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Corporation
Is Private Insurance a Viable Alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance?
Roger E. Lumpp II, CNA Insurance
10:00 AM
VI. Issues Concerning FDIC Purchase and Assumption Auctions
Bidding Levels in Purchase and Assumption Auctions
Eric Hirschhorn, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
An Analysis of FDIC Failed Bank Auction Procedures
Christopher M. James, University of Oregon
Peggy Wier, University of Oregon
Purchase and Assumption Mergers: Do Banks Overbid?
Richard Pettway, University of Florida
Jack W. Trifts, University of South Carolina
12:00 PM
VII. Changing Views of Bank Safety and Soundness Regulation
Deposit Insurance and Regulation: The View of the American Bankers Association
P. Michael Laub, American Bankers Association
Ensuring the Safety and Soundness of the Banking System: Policy Alternatives
George G. Kaufman, Loyola University of Chicago and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Financial Soundness and Deposit Insurance Reform: Comments on the Continental Illinois National Bank Experience
Robert H. Dugger, U.S. House Banking Committee
Deposit Insurance and the Soundness of Banks
Stanley C. Silverberg, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Views on Bank Safety and Soundness Regulation
Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Suburban Bancorp, Inc.
3:00 PM
VIII. Risk Management in Banking
The Use of Interest Rate Futures by Commercial Banks
Patrick Parkinson, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Predicting the Off-Balance-Sheet Behavior of Seventh District Commercial Banks
G. D. Koppenhaver, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Off-Balance-Sheet Banking and Bank Capital
Richard W. Nelson, Chemical Bank
Commitments and Contingencies: The "Invisible Hand"
David C. Cates, Cates Consulting Analysts, Inc.
Friday, 05/03/85
8:00 AM
IX. Dual Standards in Safety and Soundness Regulation
Capital Adequacy
Barry F. Sullivan, First Chicago Corporation
Regulation During Financial Stress
Thomas H. Huston, Iowa Commissioner of Banking
Allen N. Berger, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Unequal Treatment of Banks versus Thrifts
Joseph C. Scully, St. Paul Federal Savings Bank
10:00 AM
X. Issues in Financial Disclosure
An Analytical Framework for Improved Disclosure in Banking
Gary G. Gilbert, Bank Administration Institute
Money Managers and Bank Liquidity
Alan E. Grunewald, Michigan State University
Alex J. Pollock, Continental Bank
Foreign Lending: Disclosure and the Mexican Debt Crisis
Michael Smirlock, University of Pennsylvania
Howard Kaufold, University of Pennsylvania
12:00 PM
XI. Deregulation and Financial Service Expansion
Intra- and Interindustry Effects of Bank Securities Market Activities: The Case of Discount Brokerage
Anthony Saunders, New York University
Michael Smirlock, University of Pennsylvania
Some Evidence on Bank Holding Company Regulation: The Question of Expansion into the Insurance Business
Tim S. Campbell, University of Southern California
J. Kimball Dietrich, University of Southern California
Mark I. Weinstein, University of Southern California
Competition for MMDAs
Michael C. Keeley, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Gary C. Zimmerman, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
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