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Promoting the Use of Electronic Payments: Assessing the Business, Technological and Legal Infrastructure

The Chicago Fed hosted its first payments conference entitled, Promoting the Use of Electronic Payments: Assessing the Business, Technological and Legal Infrastructure, October 7–8, 1999. Conference speakers were payment industry leaders who provided an insider's perspective on the necessary success factors for electronic supply chain and epayments integration.
Saturday, 11/15/14
8:00 AM
Opening Remarks
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
8:15 AM
Michael H. Moskow, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
8:30 AM
Workshop Overview
8:30 AM
Technology's Role in Payments
10:00 AM
The Law's Role in Payments
10:15 AM
Lessons Learned from Past Payment Experiences
12:00 PM
Where to Go from Here?
1:30 PM
End User Expectations
4:00 PM
The Payment Provider Perspective