Seventh Annual Automotive Outlook Symposium

The seventh annual Automotive Outlook Symposium was held at the Detroit branch on June 1–2, 2000. The day-and-a-half conference focused on the long- and short-term forces shaping the vehicle industry. The event included a presentation by Chicago Fed Senior Economist William Strauss who will give the consensus outlook from Symposium participants.
Thursday, 06/01/00
12:00 PM
Luncheon Speech: Globalization and the Automotive Industry
David Allardice, Senior Vice President and Branch Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago–Detroit Branch
G. Mustafa Mohatarem, Chief Economist, General Motors Corporation
12:00 PM
Afternoon Sessions
Introduction to Panel Discussions
Introduction to Panel Discussions
Walter McManus, Executive Director of Global Forecasting Services, J. D. Power and Associates
12:00 PM
Panel 1: The "New" Automotive Market from the Analysts' Perspectives
William Strauss, Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
David Littmann, Senior Vice President, Comerica
Steve Polk, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, R. L. Polk & Co.
Ed McLaughlin, Director, Financial Markets, J. D. Power and Associates
12:00 PM
Panel 2: The "New" Automotive Market from the Managers' Perspectives
Robert Schnorbus, Director, J. D. Power and Associates
Richard Banfield, President, Magna Seating Systems
David Treadwell, Vice Chairman, ASC Incorporated
Richard Baker, Senior Partner, Business-to-Business, J. D. Power and Associates
6:00 PM
Friday, 06/01/01
9:00 AM
David Allardice, Senior Vice President and Branch Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago–Detroit Branch
9:00 AM
Morning Presentations
Consensus Economic Outlook
William Strauss, Senior Economist and Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
2000–2001 Vehicle Sales Outlook
Paul Ballew, General Director, Global Markets and Industry Analysis, General Motors Corporation
Heavy Truck Industry Outlook
Kenneth W. Vieth, Co-principal, Americas Commercial Transportation Publications
1999 Big Three — UAW Labor Negotiations
Sean McAlinden, Associate Research Scientist and Manager, Economic Studies, University of Michigan–Office for The Study of Automotive Transportation
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Afternoon Presentations
Issues on Fuel Economy in the New Millenium
Paul Blumberg, Director, Advanced Vehicle Technology Division, Ford Motor Corporation
Trends in Market Penetration of Foreign Nameplates
Haig Stoddard, Manager, Industry Analysis, Ward's Communications
3:00 PM