Maintaining and Financing Public Infrastructure in Tough Budgetary Times
Wednesday, 09/25/02
7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Curt Hunter, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Scott Pattison, Executive Director, National Association of State Budget Officers
8:30 AM
What is the Condition of the Basic Infrastructure of the Region?
Rick Mattoon, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
8:30 AM
Will Our Infrastructure Assets Support Our Changing Economic Development Needs? Evidence from the Chicago Regional Economy
Geoffrey Hewings, Professor, University of Illinois
Karen Romano, Transportation Director, Metropolitan Transportation Council
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
How Productive Are Public Infrastructure Investements?
John G Fernald, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Randall W Eberts, Executive Director, Upjohn Institute
11:45 AM
Lunch and Keynote
David Schulz, Executive Director, Infrastructure Technology Institute, Northwestern University
1:30 PM
Properly Assessing Your Infrastructure Assets
Jay Fountain, Assistant Director of Research, Government Accounting Standards Board
Roemer Alfelor, Asset Management Group, Federal Highway Administration
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Infrastructure Governance — How Do You Decide What Infrastructure Should Be Financed? Can You Use Cost/Benefit Analysis?
Cameron Gordon, National Academy of Science
3:30 PM
Roundtable Discussion — Where Do We Go from Here?
4:00 PM