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Seeds of Growth Sustainable Community Development: What Works, What Doesn't and Why

This website contains the papers from a conference organized by the Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System. Papers posted here are to be considered working papers. They are reproduced here to make them available to scholars and practitioners with a serious interest in the topics presented. Many of the papers are in preliminary form and will be submitted for publication elsewhere. The works here should be cited as working papers and considered preliminary drafts of any subsequent publication. Although all papers have been screened for relevance to the subject matter of the conference, they have not been subjected to a rigorous refereeing process nor edited for form or content by the Federal Reserve.

Thursday, 03/27/03
8:00 AM
Opening Remarks
William Poole, President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
8:30 AM
Welcoming Address
Michael H. Moskow, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
9:00 AM
Keynote Address
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
1:00 PM
Session 2: Housing and Neighborhood Development
Rex L. LaMore, Michigan State University
Susan Cocciarelli, Michigan State University
Jose Gomez, Michigan State University
John Melcher, Michigan State University
John Metzger, Michigan State University
Faron Supanich-Goldner, Michigan State University
Matt Syal, Michigan State University
Christian A. L. Hilber, University of Pennsylvania
Ingrid Gould Ellen, New York University
Michael Schill, New York University
Amy Ellen Schwartz, New York University
Ioan Voicu, New York University
Charles A. Capone, Jr., Congressional Budget Office
Wyman Winston, Portland Development Commission
Friday, 03/28/03



Last Updated: 04/02/2003

8:00 AM
Session 3: Partnerships
Elise Bright, University of Texas, Arlington
Mark Tranel, University of Missouri
Kay Gasen, University of Missouri
Amy L. W. Hosi, ICF Consulting
Jason Bram, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Jesse Ed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Yigal Gelb, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Andrew Haughwout, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David Lagakos, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Margaret McConnell, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
James Orr, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Ken Wade, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
10:00 AM
Session 1: Counseling and Intervention
Abdighani Hirad, Freddie Mac
Peter M. Zorn, Freddie Mac
Michael E. Staten, Georgetown University
Gregory Elliehausen, Georgetown University
E. Christopher Lundquist, Lundquist Consulting, Inc.
Robert L. Clark, North Carolina State University
Ann McDermed, North Carolina State University
Kshama Sawant, North Carolina State University
Madeleine B. d'Ambrosio, TIAA-CREF Institute
Jeanne M. Hogarth, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Marianne A. Hilgert, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Sondra G. Beverley, University of Kansas
10:00 AM
Session 4: Public Policy — Enterprise Zones and CDFIs
Lehn Benjamin, Cornell University
Julia Sass Rubin, Brown University
Sean Zielenbach, Housing Research Foundation
Suzanne O'Keefe, California State University
Julia Sass Rubin, Brown University
Gregory M. Stankiewicz, Princeton University
Paul Pryde, Capital Access Group LLC
1:00 PM
Session 5: Public Policy — CRA
Robert B. Avery, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Paul S. Calem, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Glenn B. Canner, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Raphael W. Bostic, University of Southern California
Breck L. Robinson, University of Delaware
Jonathan Zinman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
3:00 PM
Session 6: International and Cultural Dimensions
Maude Toussaint-Comeau, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Robin Newberger, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jason Schmidt, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Art Rolnick, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Ron Feldman, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Cecilia Giusti, Texas A&M University
Anna Paulson, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Marty Levine, Shorebank Advisory Services
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