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Last Updated: 11/28/2022

An Electronic Supply Chain: Will Payments Follow?

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On May 26–27, 2004 the Chicago Fed hosted its fourth payments conference entitled, An Electronic Supply Chain: Will Payments Follow? The conference speakers were payment industry leaders who provided an insider's perspective on the necessary success factors for electronic supply chain and epayments integration.

The conference addressed questions such as: B2B payments: Who wins and who loses? What is the value proposition for corporate trading partners? Are incentives aligned for existing payment networks to provide B2B solutions? Are financial institutions proactive or reactive to B2B solutions? Why are certain industries adopting B2B payments while others wait?

Wednesday, 05/26/04
10:30 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
11:45 AM
Lunch and Welcome
Tom Ciesielski, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Cathryn Gregg, Partner, Treasury Strategies, Inc.
1:30 PM
1:45 PM
Banks and Nonbanks in the B2B Payments Space
  • Describe your current role in B2B electronic payments.
  • How do you leverage your payment relationships to enhance supply chain processes?
  • Does the migration to an electronic supply chain negatively impact current revenue streams?
  • Are new entrants affecting the electronic B2B strategies of traditional providers? 
  • Does the consolidation of the financial services industry lead to greater standardization of payment processes?
Cathryn Gregg, Partner, Treasury Strategies, Inc.
Nick Alex, Senior Vice President, Bank of America Corporation
Tom Dean, President, Medical Banking Exchange (MBEXX)
Perrin Gunduy, Director, First Data Corporation
Rick Langer, Senior Vice President, US Bank PowerTrack
Rob Martens, Vice President, Key Bank
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Corporates' Perspective
  • How have you improved your supply chain, and what benefits have you experienced?
  • What barriers remain to further improve your business flows?
  • How integrated and electronic is the payments component within the overall exchange of information?
  • What needs have solution-providers, banks and nonbanks not met yet?
Peter Burns, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Rebecca Jacoby, Vice President, Cisco Systems
Mary Bravo, Treasury Manager, GLS/Composites One
Kathy Crawford, President of Local Broadcast, Mindshare
5:30 PM
Thursday, 05/19/05
7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:15 AM
Keynote Address
James Lyon, First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
8:45 AM
Solution Providers' Perspective
  • What products/services do you offer to improve supply chain integration and payment processing?
  • Are incentives properly aligned to promote adoption? If not, why?
  • Does your product offer sufficient cost reductions by migrating to an electronic supply chain?
  • Can EDI meet the needs of all your customers? Is EIPP a transitional product, or is it here to stay?
Jeetu Patel, Executive Vice President, Doculabs, Inc.
Richard Winston, Partner, Accenture
Tasos Tsolakis, Senior Vice President, Global eXchange Services
Jerry Ulrich, Chief Financial Officer, Xign
Richard Babb, Senior Consultant, VECTOR SGI, Inc.
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
Networks' Perspective
  • What role does your network play in improving the business supply chain? Are incentives properly aligned for electronic supply chain and epayments integration to succeed?
  • What future enhancements are you considering to improve the efficiency of the supply chain?
  • What are the potential barriers to improving the efficiency of the supply chain?
  • How is fraud impacting the growth of B2B electronic payments?
Avivah Litan, Vice President, Gartner Financial Services
Kent Dolby, Chief Executive Officer, Elernica
Alistair Duncan, Senior Vice President, Visa International
George Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer, Electronic Payments Network
12:15 PM
12:35 PM
Industry Case Study and Lunch
Greg Perman, Manager of Accounting Services, John Deere Credit
William Lyne, First Vice President, Bank One Corporation
2:00 PM
Closing Remarks
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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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