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Promises & Pitfalls: As Consumer Finance Options Multiply, Who Is Being Served and at What Cost?

This website contains the papers from a conference organized by the Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System. Papers included in the website are to be considered working papers. They are reproduced here to make them available to scholars and practitioners with a serious interest in the topics presented. Many of the papers are in preliminary form and will be submitted for publication elsewhere. The works here should be cited as working papers and considered preliminary drafts of any subsequent publication. Although all papers have been screened for relevance to the subject matter of the conference, they have not been subjected to a rigorous refereeing process nor edited for form or content by the Federal Reserve.

Thursday, 04/07/05
9:00 AM
Alternative Financial Services
Moderator of Industry Stucture & Payday Lending
George McCarthy, Ford Foundation
Moderator of Subprime Mortgage Pricing, Subprime Lending, & The Impact of Mortage Foreclosure
Raphael Bostic, University of Southern California
William Apgar, Join Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
Garth Fauth, Join Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
Allegra Calder, Washington Mutual
Mark Flannery, University of Florida
Katherine Samolyk, Federal Deposite Insurance Corporation
Amany El Anshasy, George Washington University
Yoshiaki Shimazaki, George Washington University
Gregory Elliehausen, Georgetown University
Jonathan Hershaff, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Karl Russo, University of Pennsylvania
Susan M Wachter, University of Pennsylvania
Dan Immergluck, Grand Valley State University
Geoff Smith, Woodstock Institute
Sheila Blair, University of Massachusetts
J. Michael Collins, Policylab Consulting Group
Patricia McCoy, University of Connecticut
1:00 PM
Consumer Behavior
Moderator for Financial Services Survey, Householder Response, Borrowing During Unemployment, & Negative Effects of Personal Bankruptcy
Michael Barr, University of Michigan
Moderator for Relationships in Loan Granting & Observing Unobservables
Rick Lang, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadephia
Ellen Seidman, ShoreBank Advisory Services
Moez Hababou, MetroEdge
Jennifer Kramer, MetroEdge
Sherrie L. W. Rhine, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Sabrina Su, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Yazmin Osaki, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Steven Y. Lee, FoodChange
James X. Sullivan, University of Notre Dame
Cheryl Long, Colgate University
Sugato Chakravarty, Purdue University
Tansel Yilmazer, Purdue University
Dean Karlan, Princeton University
Jonathan Zinman, Federal Reserve Bank of New Yrok
John Caskey, Swarthmore College
Wenli Li, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Ed Nosal, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Friday, 04/08/05
9:00 AM
New Markets, New Products, New Tools
Moderator for Consumer Literacy, Online Intervention, Credit Counseling, & Unbanked to Banked
Dan Tatar, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Moderator of Wealth Assimilation, Banking on Remittances, & Stored-Value Cards
Geoff Smith, Woodstock Institute
Marsha Courchane, ERS Group
Peter Zorn, Freddie Mac
Kimberly Gartner, Credit Card Project of The Saint Paul Foundation
Richard M. Todd, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Claudio Gonzalez-Vega, The Ohio State University
Valentina Hartarska, Auburn University
Angela C. Lyons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Erik Scherpf, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Una Okonkwo Osili, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Anna Paulson, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Ana Cruz-Taura, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Sybill Howard, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Jessica LeVeen, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Elizabeth McQuerry, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Juan Sanchez, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Wayne Smith, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Marianne A. Hilgert, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Jeanne Hogarth, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Edwin Lucio, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Katy Jacob, Center for Financial Services Innovation
Jennifer Tescher, Center for Financial Services Innovation
Sabrina Su, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Sherrie L. W. Rhine, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stephen Brobeck, Consumer Federation of America
Michael Staten, Georgetown University
Manuel Orozco, Georgetown University
1:00 PM
Call to Action
William Apgar, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
Gary Fauth, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
Allegra Calder, Washington Mutual
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