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Risk: Keeping Ahead of the Curve

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and De Paul University hosted the first annual Risk Conference.

Thursday, 03/06/08
9:15 AM
Opening Remarks
Catharine M Lemieux, SVP, Supervision & Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
9:30 AM
“Set the Stage”
10:15 AM
Industry Usage of Risk
Edward J. Kane, James F. Cleary Chair in Finance, Boston College
12:00 PM
Lunch – Broad Topics/Issues
Craig S. Donohue, CEO, Chicago Mercantile Exchange
1:30 PM
Comprehensive Risk Management Panel
James W. Nelson, CRO, Huntington Bancshares, Former SVP, Supervision & Regulation, FRBC
3:45 PM
Blurring of Credit and Financial Markets
5:30 PM
Friday, 03/07/08
6:30 PM
Dinner – Keynote Speaker: Financial Turmoil & Risk Management
Eric S. Rosengren, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
8:30 AM
Securitization and the Mortgage Market
James D. Shilling, Chair in Real Estate Studies, DePaul University
Michael J. Horne
10:15 AM
Where Do We Go From Here?
L. William Seidman, Chief Commentator, CNBC, Former Chairman, FDIC
11:45 AM
1:00 PM
Bankers’ Sessions
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