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Last Updated: 6/10/2013

New Access to Energy: Midwest and Global Industry Impacts

Enhanced recovery of natural gas and other fuels from shale rock may significantly change relationships among industries, regions and nations. This conference focused primarily on shifting markets, development opportunities and economic impacts.

Monday, 04/08/13
2:30 PM
3:05 PM
Conference Introduction, Welcome and Overview
Dan Sullivan, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Bill Testa, Vice President and Director of Regional Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
3:15 PM
Overview of Energy Upheaval: Macro-economic and Market Implications
Don Hanson, Argonne National Lab
Ben Schlesinger, Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates
Doug Meade, INFORUM Inter-industry Forecasting, University of Maryland (Presentation Not Available)
4:30 PM
Production from Shale Rock, U.S. Regional Economic Impacts and Issues
Bill Testa, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Mark Partridge, Ohio State University
John Callewaert, Graham Institute, University of Michigan
5:30 PM
Reception and Remarks
John D Quackenbush, Chairman, Michigan Public Service Commission
Tuesday, 04/09/13
7:00 PM
8:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Manufacturing and Re-shoring
Bill Testa, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jim Fitterling, Dow
Martha Gilchrist Moore, American Chemistry Council
Dan Radomski, NextEnergy
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
Developments in the Freight Transportation Sector
Paul Traub, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Ken Vieth, ACT Research Company
Jeff Shefchik, Paper Transport Inc.
Robert Carrick, Daimler Trucks N.A.
David Jaskolski, Pivotol LNG, an ALG Resources Company
12:30 PM
12:30 PM
A Conversation about Re-shoring of Manufacturing
Bill Testa, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Justin Rose, Boston Consulting Group
David Andrea, Original Equipment Suppliers Association
Thomas Klier, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
2:00 PM
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