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Sixth Annual Risk Conference

Business Model Risk: Navigating the New Playing Field

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,DePaul University, Driehaus College of Business and Center for Financial Services co-sponsored the event.

While recent actions have delayed the immediate risks of the fiscal cliff, there continue to be headwinds for the financial sector. In order to navigate today’s increasingly complex global markets, financial institutions and supervisors alike must consider challenges posed by current economic conditions, an evolving regulatory environment, new market participants and increasingly demanding technology capabilities and controls. Among the more significant challenges facing today’s market participants given the factors identified above are business model and strategic risks. Financial institutions are generally challenged to identify revenue-generating opportunities in the current economic and regulatory environment that are consistent with their respective firms’ risk appetite and capital adequacy planning requirements.

The sixth annual joint Risk Conference theme focused on business model and strategic risk given the current environment, and featured a noteworthy line-up of practitioners, supervisors and industry observers who shared their perspectives regarding the evaluation of business line growth strategies in the economic environment and their views on how strategic risk decisions will be consistent with new regulatory expectations and will ensure that operations are conducted within a framework that reflects strong technological capabilities given external risks.

This conference was not open to the media or the general public. Participants are requested to use discretion in sharing the content of the conference with professional colleagues. The use of electronic recording devices is prohibited.

Tuesday, 04/09/13
8:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Opening Remarks
Elijah Brewer III, Professor and Chair, Finance Department, Driehaus College of Business, Depaul University
Steve Durfey, Senior Vice President Risk Specialists Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
9:00 AM
Keynote Address
David Marshall, Associate Director of Research, Director of Financial Markets Group and Senior Vice President, Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Panel: Business Model Risk
Kevin Stiroh, Senior Vice President and Co-Head of Market Operations, Monitoring and Analysis, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Robert DeYoung, Capitol Federal Professor in Financial Markets and Institutions, University of Kansas School of Business
Ron Feldman, Senior Vice President – Supervision, Regulation and Credit, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Winthrop Smith, President, Win Analytics, LLC
Stephen Taylor, Chief Financial Officer, BMO Financial Group, U.S. Operations
11:45 AM
Luncheon & Keynote
Edward Kane, Professor of Finance, Boston College
1:30 PM
Panel 2 Stress Testing and Capital Planning
Lisa Ryu, Deputy Associate Director, Federal Reserve System Stress Testing, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Mike Alix, Senior Vice President, Cross Firm Perspectives and Analytics, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David Palmer, Senior Supervisory Financial Analyst, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Thomas Day, Senior Director, Regulatory and Risk Solutions, Moody's Analytics
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Keynote Address: Cyber Security
Andrew Hoog, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, ViaForensics
3:45 PM
Panel 3 Cyber Security
Sandeep Dhameja, Technology Risk Team Leader, Large Institutions, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Eric Brelsford, Special Agent, Frederal Bureau of Investigation
Andrew Bonillo, Director, Cyber Security Strategy, Verizon
Adrienne Haden, Assistant Director, Operations and Information Technology Policy, Federal Board of Governorss
5:00 PM
Wednesday, 04/10/13
8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Keynote Speaker: A View from the Corner Office
James Rohr, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PNC Financial Services Group
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Panel 4 Perspectives on Current and Emerging Risks from Chief Risk Officers
Todd Vermilyea, Senior Associate Director, Risk and Surveillance, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Richard Hidy, Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, US Bancorp
Ken Phelan, Chief Risk Officer, RBS Americas
Bruce Thompson, Chief Financial Officer, Bank of America
10:45 AM
Panel 5 Residential Mortgage Securitization: Recent Policy Developments
Scott Frame, Professor of Finance, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Adam Ashcraft, Senior Vice President and Head of Credit Risk Management, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Mario Ugoletti, Special Advisor to the Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency
Andrew Davidson, President, Andrew Davidson and Co.
Steve Ganzler, Principal, Five Bridges Advisors, LLC
12:15 PM
Box Luncheon
12:15 PM
Special Event - Bankers Only Session
Special Event concludes at 2:00 p.m
Rebecca Chmielewski, Assistant Vice President, Financial Markets Utilities Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Wiliam Obenshain, Executive Director, Center for Financial Servies, DePaul University
2:00 PM
Conclusion of Bankers Only Session
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