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Last Updated: 2/23/2015

Reaffirming Our Foundations: Risk & Regulation, Culture & Governance

As the U.S. economy enters its seventh year of the post-crisis era, financial institutions continue to adapt to the “New Normal”. What has been accomplished? What remains? The economy continues to show positive signs of a sustainable recovery, but there are still challenges ahead. As the immediacy of the Great Recession recedes, what are some of the best practices that have led us to stronger governance? How do we build on those foundations for sustainable growth in a post-crisis world? What are the unresolved issues?

The eighth annual Risk Conference, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and DePaul University’s Center for Financial Services, explored these questions with an array of noteworthy speakers and panelists that included perspectives from industry professionals, academics, and regulators.

Tuesday, 03/31/15
7:30 AM
Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM
Opening Remarks
Steve Durfey, Senior Vice President Risk Specialists Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Elijah Brewer III, Professor and Chair, Finance Department, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University
8:45 AM
Keynote Address: Governance, Behavior & Culture
Wieke Scholten, Senior Supervisor on Behavior & Culture, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
Panel 1: Macro Risks
Panelists will examine the threats presented by the usual array of macro risks plus emerging issues such as geo-political threats, the euro crisis and slowing global growth.
John M. De Clue, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, The Private Client Reserve of U.S. Bank
Anna Paulson, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
David Casper, Executive Vice President and Head of Commercial Banking, BMO Harris
David Hale, Chairman, David Hale Global Economics
Jim Leckinger, Senior Vice President, Institutional Consulting
11:30 AM
Keynote Address: Luncheon Speaker
Michael Scudder, President & Chief Executive Officer, First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.
1:00 PM
Panel 2: Regulatory Policy
Financial Institutions continue to adapt to the post-crisis “New Normal” regulatory environment. Panelists will offer their assessment of the current state-of-play in the development and implementation of new rules and regulations.
Lamont Black, Assistant Professor, Finance Department, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University
Anthony Gibbs, Regional Director, Midwest Region, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Constance Horsley, Assistant Director, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Jame Sloan, Director, Promontory Financial Group
Leonard Wiatr, Executive Managing Director & Chief Risk Officer, The Private Bank
2:30 PM
2:45 PM
Keynote Address: Supervision & Risk Management
Deborah Parker Bailey, Managing Director, KPMG
3:30 PM
Panel 3: Supervision and Risk Management
A review of key risk areas and how supervisors and the industry are collaborating to manage these risks, including Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering and cyber-security risks.
Emily Greenwald, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
James Nelson, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jason Witty, Chief Information Security Officer, U.S. Bancorp
Jerry Miller, Partner, Wipfli LLP
Suzanne Williams, Assistant Director, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
5:00 PM
Adjourn, Reception
Wednesday, 04/01/15
7:30 AM
Registration and Breakfast
8:15 AM
Keynote Speaker: A View from the Corner Office
Kelly King, Chairman and CEO, BB&T Corporation
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
Panel 4: Local Competition and Risk
Bank CEOs discuss their strategy for growth while managing risk in a highly competitive environment.
William Burgess, Principal, Sandler O’Neill + Partners, L.P.
Alberto Paracchini, President and Chief Executive Officer, Byline Bank
Bob Yohanan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, First Evanston Bancorp
Larry Richman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Private Bancorp
Mark Hoppe, President & Chief Executive Officer, MB Financial Bank
11:15 AM
Panel 5: Connecting Research and Practice
Applied research on financial institutions is a growing field. Panelists will discuss recent research findings and new ideas for connecting students and academics with local professionals.
Lamont Black, Assistant Professor, Finance Department, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University
Hesna Genay, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
John Sedunov, Assistant Professor of Finance, Villanova University, Villanova School of Business
12:00 PM
Closing Remarks
Steve Durfey, Senior Vice President Risk Specialists Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Elijah Brewer III, Professor and Chair, Finance Department, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University
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