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Payments Policy Publications Archive

The Payments Policy Group and other areas of the Chicago Fed conduct research and host symposiums to analyze current payments topics.

Chicago Fed Letter

Payments Pricing: Who Bears the Cost? — A Conference Summary
Katy Jacob, Carrie Jankowski and Anna Lunn
September 2009, No. 266a

Assessing the Landscape of Payments Fraud
Katy Jacob and Bruce Summers
July 2008, No. 252

Competitive Forces Shaping the Payments Environment: What's Next ?— A Conference Summary (Special Issue)
Tiffany Gates and Katy Jacob
August 2007, No. 241b

Are Mobile Payments the Smart Cards of the Aughts?
Katy Jacob
July 2007, No. 240

Forces Shaping the Payments Environment: A Summary of the Chicago Fed’s 2005 Payments Conference
Sujit Chakravorti, Carrie Jankowski
October 2005, No. 219a

Innovations, Incentives and Regulation: Forces Shaping the Payments Environment (Special Issue)
Sujit Chakravorti, Carrie Jankowski
September 2005, No. 218a

An Electronic Supply Chain: Will Payments Follow? (Special Issue)
Sujit Chakravorti, Erin Davis
September 2004, No. 206a

Can Existing Payment Networks Meet Future Needs? A Conference Summary
Sujit Chakravorti, Carol Clark
October 2003, No. 194

Economic Perspectives

Special Issue on Payments Fraud: An Introduction
Gene Amromin and Richard Porter
2009, Vol. 33, No. 1

Payments Fraud: Perception Versus Reality—A Conference Summary
Tiffany Gates and Katy Jacob
2009, Vol. 33, No. 1

Economics of Payment Cards: A Status Report
Wilko Bolt and Sujit Chakravorti

2008, Vol. 32, No. 4

Against the Tide—Currency Use among Latin American Immigrants in Chicago
Carrie Jankowski, Richard D. Porter and Tara Rice
2007, Vol. 31, No. 2

Payment Instrument Choice: The Case of Prepaid Cards
Sujit Chakravorti and Victor Lubasi
2006, Vol. 30, No. 2

Why Do We Use So Many Checks?
Sujit Chakravorti and Timothy McHugh
2002, Vol. 26, No. 3

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment--Is It Just a Click Away?
Alexandria Andreeff , Lisa C. Binmoeller, Oscar Cerda, Sujit Chakravorti, Thomas Ciesielski and Edward J. Greene
2001, Vol. 25, No. 4

Policy and Working Papers

Regulating Two-Sided Markets: An Empirical Investigation (Revised, April 2010)
Santiago Carbó-Valverde, Sujit Chakravorti and Francisco Rodríguez Fernández
2009, Working Papers, No. 2009-11

A Summary of the Payment Card Literature
Wilko Bolt and Sujit Chakravorti
2009, Policy Discussion Papers No. 2009-10

Externalities in Payment Card Networks: Theory and Evidence
Sujit Chakravorti
2009, Policy Discussion Papers No. 2009-8

Digital Checks as Electronic Payment Orders
Katy Jacob, Anna Lunn, Richard Porter, Wade Rousse, Bruce J. Summers and David Walker
2009, Policy Discussion Papers No. 2009-5

Payments Pricing: Who Bears the Cost? A Conference Summary
Katy Jacob, Carrie Jankowski and Anna Lunn
2009, Policy Discussion Papers No. 2009-1

Consumer Choice and Merchant Acceptance of Payment Media (Revised, September 2009)
Wilko Bolt and Sujit Chakravorti
2008, Working Papers No. 2008-11

Debit Card and Cash Usage: A Cross-Country Analysis
Eugene Amromin, Sujit Chakravorti
2007, Working Papers, No. 2007-04

Universal Access, Cost Recovery, and Payment Services
Sujit Chakravorti, Jeffery W. Gunther and Robert R. Moore
2005, Working Papers No. 2005-21

Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of Payment Networks
Sujit Chakravorti, Roberto Roson
2004 Working Papers, No. 2004-09

Network Vulnerabilities and Risks in the Retail Payment System
Cathy Lemieux
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1F 

Evolving Operational Risk Management for Retail Payments
Paul Kellogg
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1E

The Importance of Payments-driven Revenues to Franchise Value and in Estimating Bank Performance
Tara Rice
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1D

Estimating the Volume of Payments-driven Revenues
Tara Rice and Kristin Stanton
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1C

Why Invest in Payment Innovations?
Sujit Chakravorti and Emery Kobor
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1B

Network Vulnerabilities and Risks in the Retail Payment System
Cathy Lemieux
2003, Occasional Papers No. 1A

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Payments Policy Group
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