Anna Paulson is executive vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. She leads the Bank’s research and policy analysis work, overseeing the department that provides analytic support for monetary policymaking and conducts research on banking and financial markets, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and the regional economy. She attends meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the group responsible for formulating the nation’s monetary policy, and serves on the Bank’s Executive Committee.
Paulson is an expert on financial markets and institutions, with particular expertise on the insurance industry. Her research investigates how households and firms adapt to incomplete financial markets and how household financial decision-making is influenced by exposure to institutions and economic events, including financial crises. Paulson’s research has been published in leading scholarly journals, including the Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Review of Financial Studies. She is a past board member of the Western Economic Association International and the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession. Paulson received a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton College and a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago.
Paulson joined the Chicago Fed as an economist in 2001 after serving as an assistant professor of finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. In 2009 she was promoted to vice president in the Financial Markets Group and established the Insurance Initiative, which analyzes financial stability and regulatory issues in the insurance industry on behalf of the Federal Reserve System. She became associate director of research in 2017 and was promoted to director of research in 2019.
Bank Publications
Chicago Fed Letter
Economic Perspectives
ProfitWise News and Views
Working papers
Policy Discussion Papers
Working Papers
Selected External Publications
Books and Chapters in Books
With Thanases Plesti, Richard Rosen, Robert McMenamin, and Zain Mohey‐Deen, 2014, "Assessing the Vulnerability of the U.S. Life Insurance Industry," in Modernizing Insurance Regulation, Vol. 1, John H. Biggs and Matthew P. Richardson (eds.), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 61-84.
Journal Article
With Anna Paulson, 2016, “The Life Insurance Industry and Systemic Risk: A Bond Market Perspective,” Annual Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 8, pp. 155-174.
Presentations and Other Resources
Keynote luncheon presentation during the 2023 Midwest Agriculture Conference.
Presentation of recent banking events and the outlook for the economy delivered to the Chicago Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on April 13, 2023.
Presentation and discussion of inflation and monetary policy at event hosted by the Economic Club of Michiana in South Bend, Indiana on October 11, 2022.
Presentation and discussion of the 2022 economic outlook at event hosted by the Ames, Iowa Chamber of Commerce on January 11, 2022.
Participated in an interview with Pedro da Costa, a reporter with Market News International, on October 6, 2021.
Discussion and closing remarks, with Fanta Traore, at event co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Sadie Collective on September 10, 2021.
Discussed monetary policy, the U.S. economy and the impact of Covid-19 with Dennis P. Lockhart, former President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta at a virtual event on March 23, 2021.
Speech presented before 26 Chicago area Chambers of Commerce on March 3, 2021.
Speech presented before the People’s Bank of China and Chicago Fed’s Symposium on Over-the-Counter Derivatives on June 26, 2018, in Shanghai, China.
With Bloomberg TV on March 18, 2013, to discuss findings on "High School Curriculum and Financial Outcomes: The Impact of Mandated Personal Finance and Mathematics Courses," Harvard Business School, working paper, No. 13-064.
Lasalle Street
A speech delivered by Anna Paulson on June 26, 2018, before the People’s Bank of China and Chicago Fed’s
Symposium on Over-the-Counter Derivatives
in Shanghai, China.