Connecting Communities — Smaller Cities that Think Big: Lessons from Resurgent and Transforming Cities

May 17, 2012

At the Industrial Cities Initiative (ICI) Symposium in Chicago on February 28, 2012, participants expressed an interest in more comparative analysis of similar cities on a broader geographic basis. An upcoming audio conference titled, “Smaller Cities that Think Big: Lessons from Resurgent and Transforming Cities,” may help address that interest.

The Community Development Departments across the Federal Reserve System would like to invite all interested participants to the next Connecting Communities™ audio conference, which will be held on Tuesday, May 29, at 2:30pm central standard time.

Connecting Communities™ is an audio conference series that the Community Development Departments throughout the Federal Reserve System have created “to provide a national audience with timely information on emerging and important community and economic development topics.”

The next session will highlight research conducted by the Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia Feds on older industrial cities, with a particular focus on smaller cities. The research from the Chicago Fed will center on the Industrial Cities Initiative, featuring a presentation by Jeremiah Boyle, Managing Director of Economic Development from the Chicago Fed’s Community Development and Policy Studies division. The session will address the following questions:

  • What are the key elements or themes that explain why certain cities are doing better than others?
  • What strategies have smaller industrial cities utilized to deal with the decline in manufacturing jobs, demographic changes, and economic trends?
  • What have been the roles of various sectors (government, private, and philanthropic)?
  • How can best practices be transferred from one community to another?

Click here to learn more about the audioconference and to register for the free session by submitting your email address in the “Join the Call!” box on the right hand side of the page.

The views expressed in this post are our own and do not reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.

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