What Works? Join the Discussion
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Community Development and Policy Studies division will host a discussion about Investing in What Works for America’s Communities on Monday, June 17, 2013.
Although registration has exceeded capacity for this gathering, you can join us for the discussion. Follow us on Twitter @whatworksforusa, or @chicagofed and include the hashtag #whatworks in your tweet.
Some contributing authors of Investing in What Works for America’s Communities will join community development practitioners from the Midwest in a dialogue about ideas and programs that succeed in addressing the needs of urban neighborhoods, rural areas and suburbanizing pockets of poverty.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle will provide a lunch time keynote at 12:15 PM CST.
We’ll go live with our Twitter Feed as the conference begins at 8:45 AM CST @whatworksforusa and @chicagofed using #whatworks
Read Investing in What Works for America’s Communities.
Read a condensed version here.