Reinventing Our Communities – Investing in Opportunity

July 24, 2018

Investing in people, places, and communities can produce positive returns and increase access to resources that create economic growth and prosperity. With this set of principles in mind, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is cosponsoring “Reinventing Our Communities – Investing in Opportunity” a 2.5 day conference in Baltimore, Maryland from October 1-3, 2018.

Through a combination of plenaries and workshops, attendees at this year’s event will learn about effective strategies for building and mobilizing four forms of capital — financial, human, physical, and social — to create opportunity in communities. Best-selling author, Wes Moore, will deliver a keynote on the topic of investing in opportunity, drawing on his experience as chief executive officer of the Robin Hood Foundation, as well as themes explored in his New York Times bestseller, The Other Wes Moore.

In addition to panels on a diverse range of topics affecting communities – urban and rural – the conference will offer learning labs on the Community Reinvestment Act and economic inclusion to help participants put ideas into practice. In addition, a selection of four tours are offered to explore the diversity of Baltimore’s neighborhoods.

Organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia since 2004, this event has become a must-attend biennial event for experts, thought leaders, and policymakers in community and economic development. This year, the conference is co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Richmond and the Johns Hopkins 21st Century Initiative. Other co-sponsors include, the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Cleveland, Minneapolis, New York, and St. Louis as well as the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Enterprise Community Partners, The Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, and the Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds.

For more details and to see the full lineup of plenaries and workshops and to learn how investing in our communities can create resources that foster economic growth, social cohesiveness, and neighborhood stability, visit the conference website. Reserve your spot today!

To follow the conference on Twitter and to get conference updates, use @philfedcomdev  #Reinventing18. For additional questions, send a message to

The views expressed in this post are our own and do not reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.

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