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News Releases, March 2020
Chicago Fed Announces New Appointments to Agriculture, Small Business and Labor Advisory Council

CHICAGO—(March 26, 2020)—The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago today announced the newly appointed members of the Advisory Council on Agriculture, Small Business and Labor.

Council members serve a two-year term and meet twice a year to provide their views on current business conditions to Chicago Fed President Charles Evans and other senior officials. Input from the Council members on regional economic conditions contributes to the Federal Reserve System’s formulation of national monetary policy.

Council members generally represent private companies, labor organizations, academia, and banks throughout the Seventh Federal Reserve District, which encompasses the northern portions of Illinois and Indiana, southern Wisconsin, the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and the state of Iowa.

For more information about the Advisory Council on Agriculture, Small Business and Labor, visit the Advisory Council page.

The following is a list of the new Advisory Council on Agriculture, Small Business and Labor members:

Stephanie Bloomingdale
Wisconsin State AFLCIO
Milwaukee, WI

Amanda Cage
President and CEO
National Fund for Workforce Solutions
Washington, DC

Eric Engelmann
Executive Director
Cedar Rapids, IA

John R. Ezringa
Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Middleton, MI

Thomas Hacker
C&L Supreme
Des Plaines, IL

Michael Huber
President and CEO
Indy Chamber
Indianapolis, IN

Erica L. King
Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives Micro Finance Group
Chicago, IL

Bill Krugler
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative, Inc./Milwaukee JobsWor
Milwaukee, WI

Rodrigo lafelice dos Santos
West LaFayette, IN

Edmond O’Neal
Northeast Indiana Works
Fort Wayne, IN

Johnny Park
Wabash Heartland Innovation Network
West Lafayette, IN

Robert G. Reiter, Jr.
Chicago Federation of Labor
Chicago, IL

Portia Roberson
Focus: HOPE
Detroit, MI

Derric Scott
Chief Executive Officer
East Jefferson Development Corporation
Detroit, MI

John Thompson
Chairman and CEO
First Electrical Supply Company
Indianapolis, IN

Terry Tuttle
Milwaukee, WI

Megan Weiler Green
Counsel, Engineering Manager
Weiler, Inc.
Knoxville, IA

Bart Whitney
Whitney Farms
Magnolia, IL

About the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, DC, make up the nation’s central bank. The Chicago Reserve Bank serves the Seventh Federal Reserve District, which encompasses the northern portions of Illinois and Indiana, southern Wisconsin, the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and the state of Iowa. In addition to participation in the formulation of monetary policy, each Reserve Bank supervises member banks and bank holding companies, provides financial services to depository institutions and the U.S. government, and monitors economic conditions in its District.

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