Publications Listing
The cyclicality of cash flow and investment in U.S. manufacturing
Bruce C. Petersen, William A. Strauss | 1991 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 15 | No. 1 | January
Stock market dispersion and business cycles
Prakash Loungani, Mark Rush, William Tave | 1991 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 15 | No. 1 | January
Japan's corporate groups
Hesna Genay | 1991 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 15 | No. 1 | January
Payments System Issues in Financial Markets That Never Sleep
Herbert L. Baer , Douglas D. Evanoff | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 6 | November | 4th
The need for Social Security reserves and their effect on the budget
Eleanor Erdevig | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 6 | November | 4th
Highway capacity and economic growth
David Alan Aschauer | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 5 | September | 3rd
Circuit Breakers
James T. Moser | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 5 | September | 3rd
Banking 1989: Not quite a twice-told tale
George Gregorash, Eileen Maloney | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 4 | July | 3rd
International credit market conditions
Steven Strongin | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 4 | July | 3rd
Globalization in the financial services industry
John N. McElravey, Christine Pavel | 1990 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 14 | No. 3 | May | 2nd