Publications Listing
Bankers' Acceptances Revisited
Jack L. Hervey | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. May/June
First Year Experience: Illinois Multibanks Shop Carefully
Sue F. Gregorash | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. May/June
The Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982
David Allardice, Herbert L. Baer , Elijah Brewer III , Thomas F. Cargill, John Dobra, Gillian Garcia , Anne Marie Gonczy, George G. Kaufman, Robert D. Laurent, Larry R. Mote | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. March/April
Including Thrifts in Bank Merger Analysis
John Di Clemente | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. July/August
Chicago: City of the Big Straddles
Paul L. Kasriel, Randall C. Merris | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. January/February
Interest Rate Volatility in Historical Perspective
Harvey Rosenblum, Steven Strongin | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. January/February
What Is a Bank?
John Di Clemente | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | Vol. 7 | No. January/February
Justice's Merger Guidelines: Implications for 7th District Banking
John Di Clemente, Diana L. Fortier | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | No. September/October
Do Yield Curves Normally Slope Up? The Term Structure of Interest Rates, 1862-1982
John H. Wood | 1983 | Economic Perspectives | No. July/August