Publications Listing
What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Within the Midwest?
Elainia Gupta, Leslie McGranahan | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 487 | November | 13
Immigration and the Labor Market in the Post-Pandemic Recovery
Kristin Butcher, Lucas Cain, Camilo Garcia-Jimeno, Ryan Perry | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 486 | October | 18
Why Housing Has Been So Strong, but Might Not Be for Long
Gene Amromin, Jonas D. M. Fisher, Marcelo Veracierto | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 485 | October | 16
How FAIR Plans Confronted Redlining in America
Ramzee Nwokolo | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 484 | September | 25
Past and Future Effects of the Recent Monetary Policy Tightening
Stefania D’Amico, Thomas King | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 483 | September | 6
The Rise of Intangible Investment and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
Joel David, François Gourio | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 482 | August | 31
Higher Home Prices and Higher Rates Mean Bigger Affordability Hurdles for the U.S. Consumer
Max Gillet, Cindy Hull | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 481 | August | 9
UK Pension Market Stress in 2022—Why It Happened and Implications for the U.S.
Ketan B. Patel, Santiago I. Sordo Palacios | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 480 | June | 29
A Retrospective on the Crypto Runs of 2022
Radhika Patel, Jonathan Rose | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 479 | May | 9
What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Across U.S. Regions?
Elainia Gupta, Leslie McGranahan | 2023 | Chicago Fed Letter | No. 478 | May | 8