Understanding Isolation and Change in Urban Neighborhoods: A Research Symposium
Friday, 04/11/03
7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
William C. (Curt) Hunter, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
8:45 AM
Session I
Bryan Samuels, Chicago Metropolis 2020
Occupation/Skills Mismatch in Chicago: Recent Trends
Daniel McMillen, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jospeh Persky, University of Illinois at Chicago
Janice Madden, University of Pennsylvania
What Happened to the Spatial Mismatch between Blacks and Jobs in the 1990s? A Decade of Modest Progress
Steven Raphael, University of California at Berkeley
Michael Stoll, UCLA
11:00 AM
Session II
Male Youth Employment and Neighborhood Crime
Keith Ihlanfeldt, Florida State University
Old Homes and Poor Neighborhoods: A Dynamic Model of Urban Decline and Renewal
Stuart Rosenthal, Syracuse University
12:00 PM
Lunch and Keynote Address
John Kain, University of Illinois at Chicago
1:45 PM
Session III
Harry Holzer, Georgetown University
John Quigley, University of California and Berkeley
Steven Raphael, University of California at Berkeley
1:45 PM
Session IV
Matt Kahn, Tufts University
Denise DiPasquale, City Research
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Session V
Steve Ross, University of Connecticut
3:30 PM
Session VI
Rucker Johnson, University of Michigan
Ted Mouw, University of Michigan
4:00 PM
Saturday, 04/12/03
10:45 PM