How Do EITC Recipients Spend their Refunds?
The earned income tax credit (EITC) is one of the
largest sources of public support for lower-income
working families in the U.S. The EITC operates as a
tax credit that serves to offset the payroll taxes and
supplement the wages of low-income workers. For
tax year 2004, the EITC transferred over $40 billion
to 22 million recipient families (U.S. Internal Revenue
Service, 2006b). Nearly 90 percent of program expenditures
come in the form of tax refunds; the remaining
10 percent serve to reduce tax liability. While other
income support programs distribute benefits fairly
evenly across the calendar year, EITC payments are
concentrated in February and March when tax refunds
are received. Because the EITC makes one relatively
large payment per year, it may provide low-income,
credit-constrained households with a rare opportunity
to make important big-ticket purchases.