Publications Listing
Educated (young) workers and regional growth
Britton Lombardi | 2008 | Midwest Economy Blog | February | 20
Housing Construction Developments
William Testa | 2008 | Midwest Economy Blog | February | 4
OPEB … Oh No!
Rick Mattoon | 2008 | Midwest Economy Blog | January | 25
Exports: A Source of Strength
William Testa | 2008 | Midwest Economy Blog | January | 7
Oppedahl on the agriculture R&D conference
David Oppedahl | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | October | 26
Mid-year jobs report
Vanessa Haleco-Meyer | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | October | 16
Transportation and GHG regulation
William Testa | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | September | 25
The Midwest and the regulation of greenhouse gas
William Testa | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | September | 14
How should states tax business?
William Testa | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | September | 5
Automotive wages in flux
William Testa | 2007 | Midwest Economy Blog | July | 18