Publications Listing
Community Development and Policy Studies (CDPS) Update
2014 | CDPS Blog | June | 18
Redefining Rustbelt: Opportunities for city revitalization and educational reform
Robin Newberger, Maude Toussaint-Comeau | 2014 | CDPS Blog | May | 13
Villard Square: Innovative Affordable Housing in Milwaukee Developed by Northwest Side CDC and Financed by BMO Harris and IFF
Emily Engel | 2014 | CDPS Blog | February | 19
Manufacturing Better Opportunity & A Stronger Economy
Steven Kuehl | 2014 | CDPS Blog | January | 14
Redefining Rust Belt: The Local Impact of Anchor Institutions in Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland and Philadelphia
Robin Newberger, Maude Toussaint-Comeau | 2013 | CDPS Blog | December | 18
Community Colleges and Industry: How Partnerships Address the Skills Gap
Emily Engel | 2013 | CDPS Blog | December | 16
Summit on Regional Competiveness
Emily Engel, Susan Longworth | 2013 | CDPS Blog | November | 21
CABE event highlights measures of regional economic performance
Emily Engel | 2013 | CDPS Blog | October | 24
Mapping the Recovery: A Community Perspective
Robin Newberger, Susan Longworth | 2013 | CDPS Blog | October | 10
Woodstock Institute is turning 40!
Emily Engel | 2013 | CDPS Blog | September | 12