Research Academic Conferences
2019 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference
2017 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference
2015 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference
2013 Conference: Resilience and Rebuilding for Low-Income Communities
The eighth biennial conference attracted participants from diverse backgrounds, including community developers and practitioners, policymakers, members of the philanthropic community, researchers, the financial services sector, state and local economic development agencies, and students. This cross-sectoral event presented a unique forum for discussing key research, program, and policy strategies aimed at improving resiliency and rebuilding in low-income households and neighborhoods.
2011 Federal Reserve Community Affairs Research Conference
The Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System hosted the seventh Federal Reserve Community Affairs Research Conference, The Changing Landscape of Community Development: Linking Research with Policy and Practice in Low-Income Communities, on April 28-29, 2011. The goal of the 2011 conference was to highlight new research that can inform community development policy and practice.
2009 Conference: Innovative Financial Services for the Underserved
The Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System hosted the conference, Innovative Financial Services for the Underserved: Opportunities and Outcomes, the sixth biennial Community Affairs Research Conference to encourage objective research into financial services issues affecting low- and moderate-income individuals, families, and communities.
2007 Conference: Financing Community Development
The Community Affairs officers of the Federal Reserve System hosted Financing Community Development: Learning From the Past, Looking to the Future, the fifth biennial Community Affairs Research Conference, to present research on trends and innovations in products serving low- and moderate-income communities and people.
2005 Conference: Promise & Pitfalls — As Consumer Finance Options Multiply, Who is Being Served and at What Cost?
This website contains the papers from a conference, Promises & Pitfalls: As Consumer Finance Options Multiply, Who Is Being Served and at What Cost? organized by the Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System. Papers included in the website are to be considered working papers. They are reproduced here to make them available to scholars and practitioners with a serious interest in the topics presented. Many of the papers are in preliminary form and will be submitted for publication elsewhere. The works here should be cited as working papers and considered preliminary drafts of any subsequent publication. Although all papers have been screened for relevance to the subject matter of the conference, they have not been subjected to a rigorous refereeing process nor edited for form or content by the Federal Reserve.
2003 Conference: Seeds of Growth, Sustainable Community Development
This website contains the papers from a conference, Seeds of Growth Sustainable Community Development: What Works, What Doesn't and Why, organized by the Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System. Papers posted here are to be considered working papers. They are reproduced here to make them available to scholars and practitioners with a serious interest in the topics presented. Many of the papers are in preliminary form and will be submitted for publication elsewhere. The works here should be cited as working papers and considered preliminary drafts of any subsequent publication. Although all papers have been screened for relevance to the subject matter of the conference, they have not been subjected to a rigorous refereeing process nor edited for form or content by the Federal Reserve.
2001 Conference: Changing Financial Markets and Community Development
The Community Affairs Officers of the Federal Reserve System are pleased to present the proceedings of the Changing Financial Markets and Community Development conference, held April 5 and 6, 2001, in Washington, D.C. The proceedings include papers or summaries of the papers presented by distinguished economists and scholars from across the country. The papers are reviewed by conference discussants, who have extensive experience in the field. We are grateful to the authors and discussants for sharing their findings on an important aspect of our free enterprise system.
1999 Conference: Business Access to Capital and Credit
The Community Affairs of the Federal Reserve System hosted an academic conference, Business Access to Capital and Credit, in Arlington, Virginia. The following documents from this conference are provided: 1) the complete conference proceedings, including an extensive summary; and 2) an extensive summary of the conference plus chairman Greenspan's keynote address at the conference. This research represents the latest work in the field from academia, policy institutions and the Federal Reserve System. The papers and the reviews offer fresh insight into the small business lending relationship, access to credit for minority-owned businesses, microenterprise lending and credit scoring.